Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Holiday... Day 1

Today was the first official day of my holiday but I left work at 2pm yesterday and went to the EnVision dinner at the Pancake Manor so it feels like two days, really. Either way, it feels good.

But I've had a sore wrist for the last few days and woke up at about 3am this morning and could hardly move my hand at all. I found some prescription drugs (that had been prescribed for me a shoulder injury ages ago) and... well, they sorted things out nicely, thankfully. For a while, I was thinking that I might not make it to Envision, but I turned up this morning ready and raring to go.

And, thankfully again, I had nothing to worry about with Tansy's structural changes. She wanted me to change to order of a couple of chapters to make each character's introduction a bit longer-- or stronger. She had another couple of suggestions that will probably work quite nicely as well.

So... all told, not bad at all. I wrote a new chapter today, cut out another.

The whole experience was not quite what I thought though. Jason had been saying how intense the whole experience was last year (he's back for this year as well) but it seemed like another day of writing for me. Maybe it is different to last year, or maybe a normal day of writing for me is something that he considers 'intense'. Not sure.

But it was definitely good.

No time for writing this. Must write novel.


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