Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Time Flies

Well, I've been back at work for two weeks and it's like I never left. And that isn't a good thing. Oh well.

At least I've started doing a bit more writing again now. Did heaps on holidays-- especially while I was at my parent's place-- but stopped once I got back. Flirted with a new novel for a few days. Even wrote the prologue and a housand or so words of the first chapter, but that romance lasted about a week. Then I bought Story by Robert McKee and am now flirting wit a movie script based on one of my early novel efforts. Don't know how long that'll last either :).

I'm just kinda wondering (that's spelt correctly) around at the moment, wishing I had a new job and generally feeling sorry for myself. Going to start getting up early to write again. No, really, I am. I can generally average a thousand words before breakfast and that makes work a whole heap more bearable. It's unfortunate that getting up early causes such a problem-- if God had wanted us to get up at 5am he would have made the sun come up sooner or made it so we can see in the dark.

I recieved Encounters in the mail the other day. I think my story The Final Battle is by far the best of the three I've had publised (which I suppose it should be seeing it's the most recent, but anyway). The thing I like about it, I think, is the way it kinda keeps folding back on itself with repetitions of phrases and whatever from earlier in the story. Or something like that. Sounds good anyway.


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