Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Idle Life

Not a lot has happened since I joined the ranks of the unemployed.

I signed up with centre link but can't get any money from them for about 3 months anyway, seeing I have a healthy bank balance. I've applied for some jobs. Bummed around a bit.

Also attended Jason annual fancy dress party thing. Was good as usual. And of course, I exercised my right not to dress up. Spent most of the night standing in one spot talking to Sharon, Catriona (not sure on the spelling htere, could be Katrina), Chris and Sandra. Then I gave Katrina a lift home, had a cup of tea with her and didn't get to be until about 1am. Then up the next day for Vision in the city.

It's the first meeting I've been to in a while and I actually had somethign critiqued. It was the first little bit of a novel I started on wednesday or thursday. Good reception, so I'm up to about 6000 words now. has some interesting stuff in it, I think, and will probably be a bit faster paced than my recent stuff. Hopefully.

Speaking of which, my novel was rejected by Silver Lake. Bastards, don't know talent when they see it. I have since sent the novel to a publisher in England, and to an agent who is supposed to be pretty good. I guess I'll see how it goes, though it could be a while beofre I hear from either of them...

Haven't been to the cinema for about a week but have been watching lot's of movies that I've taped off tv.I have about 20 more to go...

Having coffee with Cindy on thursday. She works in one of the bookshops near where I live so we became friends seeing I go in there all the time to stand there and ogle. Ogle books, that is :p It's not often I actually buy one. I already have too many sitting around waiting to be read.

Anyways, my back hurts. Going to lie down. Go read my sister's blog instead--there's a link over the side there. Her life is much more interesting than mine at the moment.


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