Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Monday, August 07, 2006

How things change

In one of my first post I made a comment about how quickly things can change. In that case, it was an unexpected pregnancy for the girl friend of one of the guys at work.

In this case it's about me. But thankfully there are no pregnancies involved. I have now, officially, moved to Kel's place. I have become a southsider. It's terrible. Well, not really. But still, a southsider. And about as far south as you can get and still be in greater Brisbane.

Oh well, shouldn't complain (because Kel might see) :)

I also have a job down here, working for a library supply company. It isn't too bad at all. And I have seen a couple of books by frineds pass thorugh. Well done Grace and Chris...


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