Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Nothing Really Exciting

I'm back. Don't know for how long, but anyway.

I have a new job. Since the start of January I've been working for Australi Post. Sorting mail. It actually isn't horrible. Which is good. I work from 6am - about 2 at the moment, so that creates a problem with my writing. (ie, I write about 10 times more and 10 times better in the early morning than I do at any other time of day.) I am trying to start some short stories, but they aren't getting far.

I also have two novels about 1/2 finished that I have to get back to at some stage. Both were going pretty well when i last visited them but that was a while ago. Still, I will be able to finish them and they are probably more commercial than the last thing I wrote which is a good thing for a 'first' novel.

Other than that... My team scraped into the semi final for cricket. Seeing we didn't have a full team at all since christmas it wasn't too bad an effort. Trouble is, the first day of the semi was completely washed out, making our task difficult. We now have to win outright in one day. It's possible but...

Ummm... that's all.