Things I Thunk

Ramblings from Scott Robinson-- about writing and photography and... stuff. Probably not all that exciting, but there you go.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Busy Day

The day wasn't all that busy, really, but you know, metaphorically...

You see, I got fired.

Bit strange. Out of the blue. Apparently I wasn't doing a very good job but nobody thought to tell me before now. oh well. I'll get over it.

Wait a minute....

Ah, yes. There we go.

I'm over it.

About half hour after I got home from my old job today I got a phone call. I have a job interview tomorrow morning. Not the greatest job in the world and it would be kinda nice to have a month off or something, but I'm no longer in a position to turn anythign down, really. If i don't get it I think I'll just go for the jobs I really want (and therefore probably can't get) for a while and do some writing. That's the plan, anyway. Seeing I haven't written anythign for a while though...

Other than that... Had wax syringed from my ears. That was fun. And bought a shirt and tie for the interview. That was fun too.

Going now. So much to do...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Small Press

Well, my sister, Deborah, is on her way to China. She'll be there for about a year. And that means I'll be going to China sometime in the next year. If I get off my arse and start to organise things. I've had forms for getting a passport for about 3 months now and haven't done anything about it. Oh well. You never know, Deb may get sick of China and come home early anyway. Though probably not.

Other than that...

I got an email from Silver Lake (a small press publisher in the US) the other day. My novel, Ancient Ones Book 1: Worlds Collide, has passed the first round of reading. They like the story idea and have read a little bit to know I'm not completely useless at actually writing. (ha! foolded them (o: ). Apparently I should know of any futher results in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What might have been

I've come up with a new saying--

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

No, wait. That one's been done. Here we go--

Better to have loved and lost than to wonder what might have been.

That's it.

I met this woman a few weeks ago. (hey Christina-- though she doesn't know this blog exists so...) We went out a few times. We had fun. It was all going nicely. Then she finds out she got a job in Sydney. Starts immediately. And she's gone. So here I am, sitting in Brisbane, thinking "I really like her and I'd like to keep seeing her". I was not/am not in love with her (only knew her for about 2 weeks) but I'm aware of the possibilities. And the possibilities are annoying the hell out of me. If I'd met her two months earlier everything might have been different. At least that's enough time to make a decision. ie-- This relationship isn't worth the effort of moving/long distance crap. (Or, let's face it, it might have already been over). Or it is worth it. And if it's the latter you can do something about it. But a couple of weeks? Really can't stretch my romantic notions that far. (Even if I felt I could have she probably would have slapped me around for being an idiot.)

I actually found out last night that her new job will be taking her to India. Not sure for how long or anything. That doesn't really change the story, but anyway. (Or maybe it does. If I'd been willing to move to Sydney, would I have been willing to move to India. Hmmmm.)

So, here I am having one way conversations on my computer and Christina is in Sydney.

Oh well. Another day another... something.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Tasmania Part 2

Now, where was I?

After the Strahan-Queenstown train trip, I arrived back in Queenstown at about 5pm. My intended stop over for that night was Cradle Mountain National Park, normally about 3 hours away. No problems at all, though it was cold and we and dark and i had to drive slow... The problem was... The reception of the caravan park at the national park closed at 7pm. I was there after that. There was a little buzzer near the door that I could press. So I pressed it. And nothing happened. I pressed it again. Same result. So after much deliberation, I decided "Bugger them" and left.

A couple of hours later (about 15km outside Launcestern (sp?) there was an all night pie shop (great hot chocolate-- jeeze it was cold [not the chocolate, the weather]), and out the back of that there was a paddock where you could park camper vans for free. I obliged.

I was in Launcestern by about 8am the next morning. And there was fog. Lots of fog. There was a lots of fog until about 10am. I parked up the top of a hill near Cataract Gorge and followed a goat track along the top of the cliffs into the city. It was rough, it was steep. I was buggered.

I wondered around there for the day. Went to the muesum and saw a movie, saw a gallery. Was pretty good. Except then I had to walk back to my van :o(.

I drove back out of town to a caravan park where I could get an ensuit (which had a heater supplied-- yum). And was back into town early the next morning. It was a saturday so I could park closer to town for free. Woo hoo. There was lots of fog. I took some photos of the fog but at 9:30 decided I'd had enough. I headed north, right to the mouth of the river, whatever river it is. There was fog there as well. And from there to the home of Launz, aka Dirk Flinthart.

Launz was/is in the process of adding an extra floor to his house. There was crap everywhere. I mean every where. There were kids everywhere. Well, not really, there are only two of them, but they seemed to be everywhere. (not in any horrible way-- just in the way of young boys). But the food was great. fish stew. Fresh custard for desert. Pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I could have stayed forever.

But I didn't. The next day I headed across to the east coast then southwards. I stayed the night at... some town. Just north of Hobart on the bay... or... something. Another of those free camper van places. And McDonalds has great hot chocolate too. And from there down to Port Arthur.

Port Arthur was great. Lots of old buildings and... ummm... a museum in an old building. And... ummm... It was raining, of course. As it had been raining just about every day. I took lots of photos. Was stalked by two women from Melbourne. Or maybe they were just looking at the old buildings in basically the same order as I was. It's hard to tell. The second day at Port Arthur I basically didn't leave the campervan. It was raining more than usual and I wanted to have a bit of a rest.

And that's basically the end of my Tasmanian oddessy (sp?). I returned to the air port the next day with a long list of jazz and classical music that I wanted to buy. Tasmania only seems to have about 3 radio stations (well, ones that can be picked up any way) and the only decent one was ABC classical.

The day after i got back from Tassie I started EnVision. That was great as well. 5 solid days of writing. My novel improved a lot. But I haven't looked at it since.

I can feel that I'm building towards writing. It happens like that. I go through my slow periods but I can feel when things are going to change. The fact that I'm writing this is something. Basically the first thing I've written for 6 weeks or so.

I did write half a scene from a feature film... I did come up with an idea for a short story in Tasmania that I'm thinking about. I did write my Tax Return (there's some fiction in there :o)-- just joking, in case the Tax office is keeping track of my Blog.)

My sister leaves for a year in China this sunday. She's teaching english over there. She's going to have a blog too, I think. I'll link to it on here. It will probably be a lot more interesting than mine. :o) And my parents now live in Woodford. So I can get a decent home cooked meal and time I like, as long as I don't mind a 50 minute drive each way.

That's all from me.